Flow Rate Conversion Factors

To convert from To Multiply By
atm cc/second micron cubic feet/hour 9.66 x 104
atm cc/second torr liters/second 0.76
micron cubic feet/hour atm cc/second 1.04x10-5
micron cubic feet/hour torr liters/second 7.87x10-6
torr liters/second micron cubic feet/hour 1.27x105
torr liters/second molecules/second (air at 25c) 3.24x1019
micron - cfm torr liters/second 4.72x10-4
torr liters/second micron - cfm 2.119x103

LDS will be CLOSED due to Hurricane Milton
Wednesday and Thursday, October 9-October10 and will
Reopen on Friday, October 11, 2024
Weather and Utilities Permitting

Contact LDS Vacuum with any questions:
Phone (407)862-4643 via Fax (407)862-8723 or

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The logos and/or trademarks appearing on this page are not owned by or registered to LDS but, rather, designate products sold by LDS, and are owned and/or registered to the manufacturers or suppliers of the products.